Personalized Orange Set
Ukradite srce svog ljubavnika večeras...
✓ Začinite stvari kako biste iznenadili svog partnera
✓ Svaka narudžba je jedinstvena i ručno izrađena
✓ 100% Podiže stražnjicu
✓ Zapanjujući strass detalji

Zašto kupci to vole?

Romantični personalizirani poklon koji partneri stvarno žele

Profinjena tkanina s izvanrednom udobnošću

Ženska energija, samopouzdanje i podizač stražnjice

Nevaljalo ili romantično... oduzmite dah svom partneru
Personalize it on the back to surprise your lover !
Fabric: soft and stretchy
Washing instructions: delicate, or hand-wash
Composition: 50% Polyester, 45% Cotton, 5% Lycra

20 Mar - 25 Mar estimated delivery
09 Mar
Order placed
10 Mar
20 Mar - 25 Mar
Join over 78,000 women who can't get enough of our personalized lingerie:
Donje rublje koje su kupci također kupili
Brinite o svojoj vezi
Uživajte u trenutku punom strastvene ljubavi.
Dulce donje rublje izdržava sve testove. Osim ako ne naiđete na vrlo divljeg ljubavnika. Što se nadamo da hoćete... u svakom slučaju.
Women admit Dulce impacts their relationships in a healthy way:
of their lovers were left speechless, and craving more.
of their partners felt privileged and well taken care of.
felt sexier and more confident.
7'455 women surveyed.

Personalized lingerie got them hooked
If I see my name on her panties today, I'm eating her till' tomorrow.
If you want to be eaten up like a feast, and folded up like a pretzel, run don't walk !
Got these for my boudoir shooting and it was absolutely perfect.
I should've never gotten these because my husband is obsessed now
If I see my name on her panties today, I'm eating her till' tomorrow.
If you want to be eaten up like a feast, and folded up like a pretzel, run don't walk !
Got these for my boudoir shooting and it was absolutely perfect.
I should've never gotten these because my husband is obsessed now
Our bach gift that did NOT disappoint!
I'll need 5 of them
'he went wild' is an understatement
This is my third order here but.. don't tell my mom
totally getting my name next time, this idiot broke up xx
Our bach gift that did NOT disappoint!
I'll need 5 of them
'he went wild' is an understatement
This is my third order here but.. don't tell my mom
totally getting my name next time, this idiot broke up xx

Više personaliziranog donjeg rublja:

Imajte na umu da je ovo ručno izrađen i personaliziran proizvod. Vrijeme proizvodnje varira od 1 do 4 radna dana. Zbog velikog broja narudžbi posljednjih tjedana, vrijeme isporuke trenutno je 5-10 radnih dana.
Obavještavamo naše drage kupce da svaka izmjena nakon kupnje personaliziranog natpisa ili adrese za dostavu može prouzročiti kašnjenje.