Personalized Set
Uchváťte srdce svojho milovaného dnes večer…
✓ Pridajte trochu pikantnosti, aby ste prekvapili svojho partnera
✓ Každá objednávka je jedinečná a ručne vyrobená
✓ 100 % Zväčšovač kriviek
✓ Ohromujúce trblietavé detaily
🚨 Iba do vypredania zásob
- Písmená A-Z, číslice 0-9.
- Žiadne emotikony ani apostrofy.
- Hypoalergénny kov: zinková zliatina.
- Diskrétne balenie.
Nie ste si istí svojim nápisom? Kontaktujte nás.
Každá objednávka (okrem personalizovaných produktov) sa odosiela do 48 hodín. Kvôli vysokému objemu objednávok v posledných týždňoch je dodacia lehota momentálne 5-10 pracovných dní.
Informujeme našich drahých zákazníkov, že akékoľvek zmeny personalizovanej objednávky alebo doručovacej adresy po nákupe môžu spôsobiť oneskorenie.
Vrátenie a Refundácia
100 % Záruka spokojnosti
Prečo to zákazníci milujú?
Romantický, personalizovaný darček, ktorý si partneri skutočne prajú
Refined fabric with outstanding comfort
Feminine energy, confidence & booty booster
Dirty, spicy or romantic... take your lover's breath away
Personalize it to surprise your lover !
- Bra personalized on the front
- Thong personalized on the back
- Washing instructions: hand-wash only
Valentínske spodné prádlo, ktoré si zákazníci tiež zakúpili:
Care for your relationship
Indulge in a moment full of passionate love.
Dulce's lingerie stands up to all the tests. Unless you encounter a very savage lover. Which we hope you do...anyway.
More personalized lingerie:
At Dulce, we firmly believe that confidence starts from within. That's why we've crafted a collection of custom thongs & lingerie sets to make you feel feminine, confident and empowered in your everyday life.
Discover a new level of sophistication with Dulce's curated collection of fine lingerie. The cherry on the cake ? We customize it.
From luxurious thongs to elegant lingerie sets, Dulce redefines your style and elevates your underwear collection. Confidently try bold and new styles and fall in love with a new facet of your personality.
We carefuly pick high-quality fabrics only to marry our unmatched personalization process.
At Dulce, we firmly believe that confidence starts from within. That's why we've crafted a collection of custom thongs & lingerie sets to make you feel feminine, confident and empowered in your everyday life.
Discover a new level of sophistication with Dulce's curated collection of fine lingerie. The cherry on the cake ? We customize it.
From luxurious thongs to elegant lingerie sets, Dulce redefines your style and elevates your underwear collection. Confidently try bold and new styles and fall in love with a new facet of your personality.
We carefuly pick high-quality fabrics only to marry our unmatched personalization process.
Why choose Dulce ?
Kindly keep in mind that this is a handmade and customized product. Production time varies from 1 to 4 business days. Due to the high volume of orders in recent weeks, delivery time is currently 5-10 business days.
We inform our lovely customers that any post-purchase modification to a personalized inscription or shipping address may add a delay.
Refunds and Returns
Returns and refunds within 14 days.
100% Secure
SSL protocol for secure transactions and 100% reactive customer service.