Personaliseeritud Strassi Komplekt (+TASUTA SUKAPAELAVÖÖ)

Sale price$39.00 Regular price$64.00
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Varastage oma kallima süda täna õhtul...

✓ Vürtsita asju, et üllatada oma armastatut
✓ Iga tellimus on ainulaadne ja käsitsi valmistatud
✓ 100% Tagumise osa tõstja
✓ Hingematvad sädelevad detailid

Color: Black
Size: S
Size Guide
Letters & Garter Belt Color: Silver

Miks kliendid seda armastavad?

Romantiline isikupärastatud kingitus, mida armastajad tõeliselt igatsevad

Peen materjal erakordse mugavusega

Naiselik energia, enesekindlus ja tagumise osa tõstja

Uhkelt või romantiliselt... võtke oma armastatult hing ära

Kingige oma kallimale eriline hetk meie enimmüüdud personaliseeritud strassikomplekti ja sädelevate sukapaelavööga!

  • Rinnahoidja personaliseeritud ESIOSAL
  • Stringid personaliseeritud TAGAKÜLJEL
  • 100% kukkumisvastased needitud tähed (Dulce'i uus tehnika)
  • Eksklusiivselt saadaval Dulce'is

Join over 78,000 women who can't get enough of our personalized lingerie:

We had a great time and he absolutely LOVED my little surprise!

Lingerie couple here, this has become his favorite ! He even got me an extra pair with his nickname on it 😊

That's my birthday gift, and it's absolutely freakin cute

he lost his sh*t when he saw what I had on

Received these at my bridal shower ! Pretty unexpected, I didn't know personalized lingerie was even a thing ... we both loved it

and yes, I am wearing 'nobodys baby' when he's acting up

Can’t recommend you enough to get a pair... really worth the wait.

he went crazyy ❤️

Amazing quality. Letters aren't glued like on other websites.

My husband's coming home from an 8 month deployment. I had to get these for him ! He was under the SHOCK. Also sizing is accurate.

My bf loved it.

He loves lingerie, I wanted to surprise him and it worked better than what I expected !

His reaction was everything I wanted and more 😍


Needless to say, they are my favorites and my bf’s too

Can’t recommend them enough. Just bear the wait.

A Valentine’s Day gift he will remember !

The color is to die for, don’t get me started on the daddy letters lol

A fan of mine got me 3 pairs, they’re beautiful !

I was scared it would fall off easily but I must admit that it looks better in real life !

This is for the grown women !

I usually don't wear these, but it was his birthday and I was obviously the gift.

I'm the first one to do that for my love 🫠 we had the best time

my baby loved it ! They look amazing on her and she says they’re comfy.

I wish all women could live the night we had after he saw these on me 😍

if you love your man... stop hesitating, this is a pass to cloud 9.

these are fly

You can't really tell but I promise he had a time after that lol.

if he can't get these for me, I'll get some myself...

Stop what your doing and run if you love him to death just like me !! I got Daddy and Jamby 😂


my husband loved the surprise !!

Stunning. Definitely ordering more

do I really need to add anything

sexy af

I didn't want to give teen or vulgar... and these turned out to be quite elegant

we're in a long distance relationship and this was the cherry on top after 2 months not seeing him

I think it's beautiful. The letters haven't been falling so far. I've never seen this kind of lingerie before or even in physical stores

I love them ! they’re peerfect !! I can change the name if I want on these ones and slide another sexy nickname for him

tnks dulce, his reaction was everything I wanted

took a hot minute to arrive but I don't regret my purchase. Be careful if it's a last minute surprise though

he likes them more than anything else in my dressing

they do sparkle you guys !!

Gorgeous, got 2 pairs.

not even joking when I say he wants me to wear them weekly

He's still talking about these months later xx

I'm totally getting my name next time!

Hoolitse oma suhte eest

Naudi hetke, mis on täis kirglikku armastust.

Dulce aluspüksid taluvad kõiki teste. Kui sa ei kohtu väga metsiku armastajaga. Mida me loodame, et juhtub...

Üllata oma armastatut kõige


Aluspesu on meie armastuskeel


Women admit Dulce impacts their relationships in a healthy way:


of their lovers were left speechless, and craving more.


of their partners felt privileged and well taken care of.


felt sexier and more confident.

7'455 women surveyed.

Personalized lingerie got them hooked


If I see my name on her panties today, I'm eating her till' tomorrow.


If you want to be eaten up like a feast, and folded up like a pretzel, run don't walk !


Got these for my boudoir shooting and it was absolutely perfect.


I should've never gotten these because my husband is obsessed now


If I see my name on her panties today, I'm eating her till' tomorrow.


If you want to be eaten up like a feast, and folded up like a pretzel, run don't walk !


Got these for my boudoir shooting and it was absolutely perfect.


I should've never gotten these because my husband is obsessed now


Our bach gift that did NOT disappoint!


I'll need 5 of them


'he went wild' is an understatement


This is my third order here but.. don't tell my mom


totally getting my name next time, this idiot broke up xx


Our bach gift that did NOT disappoint!


I'll need 5 of them


'he went wild' is an understatement


This is my third order here but.. don't tell my mom


totally getting my name next time, this idiot broke up xx

DULCE vs Other Brands

We pride ourselves in our quality and durability, we cannot say the same for others.

Made on demand

100% Personalized

Discreet packaging



Other Brands

Booty booster


Anti-fall letters


Carefully designed

Costs $$$


Kohandatud tangad, mis on loodud sensuaalse väljenduse jaoks

Dulces usume kindlalt, et enesekindlus algab seestpoolt. Seetõttu oleme loonud kohandatud tangade ja aluspesu komplektide kollektsiooni, mis paneb sind igapäevaelus tundma end naiseliku, enesekindla ja võimsa.

Tõsta oma intiimriideid

Avasta uus tasand rafineeritust Dulce valitud peene aluspesu kollektsiooniga. Kirsiks koogil? Me isikupärastame selle.

Ole julge ja seksikas

Alates luksuslikest tangadest kuni elegantsete aluspesu komplektideni, Dulce määratleb sinu stiili ümber ja tõstab sinu aluspesu kollektsiooni. Proovi julgelt uusi stiile ja armu uue külje oma isiksusest.


Ületamatu tähelepanu detailidele

Valime hoolikalt ainult kvaliteetsed kangad, et liita need meie võrreldamatu isikupärastamisprotsessiga.

Kohandatud tangad, mis on loodud sensuaalse väljenduse jaoks

Dulces usume kindlalt, et enesekindlus algab seestpoolt. Seetõttu oleme loonud kohandatud tangade ja aluspesu komplektide kollektsiooni, mis paneb sind igapäevaelus tundma end naiseliku, enesekindla ja võimsa.

Tõsta oma intiimriideid

Avasta uus tasand rafineeritust Dulce valitud peene aluspesu kollektsiooniga. Kirsiks koogil? Me isikupärastame selle.

Ole julge ja seksikas

Alates luksuslikest tangadest kuni elegantsete aluspesu komplektideni, Dulce määratleb sinu stiili ümber ja tõstab sinu aluspesu kollektsiooni. Proovi julgelt uusi stiile ja armu uue külje oma isiksusest.


Ületamatu tähelepanu detailidele

Valime hoolikalt ainult kvaliteetsed kangad, et liita need meie võrreldamatu isikupärastamisprotsessiga.
Meie klienditugi on saadaval esmaspäevast laupäevani: 8-17.